In the beginning, there
was a Moon Kingdom. This Kingdom was on the Earth’s Moon. This kingdom was ruled by Queen Serenity. She was a beautiful
young woman who ruled over the Earth and its moon. Queen Serenity gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Serena,
Princess Serena. 3 years later, when Princess Serena was 4 years old, her mother (Queen Serenity) called for the other Princesses
from the other planets to meet her daughter, Princess Serena. She told them “When you get older, your duties will to
be to protect their princess, Princess Serena and their future ruler Neo-Queen Serenity”. 12 years afterwards, On Princess
Serena’s 16 birthday her mother threw her a birthday bash.

. Queen Serenity
ask for all of the other planets’ princesses to come, all of the princess’ friends to come and all of the planet
protectors to join in as well. At Princess Serena’s Birthday Bash, Princess Serena saw a young man in silver, black
and red armor standing near the palace balanstir. She walks near him and started to talk to him. A few months went by, Princess
Serena now knew this young man. He was the Earth’s protector and his’ name was Darien, Prince
Darien. Soon as the got used to each other, Prince Darien fell madly in love with the princess.
Princess Serena felt the same way as well. They
were young lovers. 2 months went by again, this time Prince Darien had to leave the Moon Kingdom
due to the Earth being attack by Queen Beryl and the Negaverse. He stayed for awhile as long as he could give his goodbyes
especially to his love, Princess Serena. Princess Serena did not want him to leave. She begs and cried to him. Her mother
told her that the Earth’s defense needed him. Princess Serena ran off to her room and started to cry again as she laid
down on her bed. Meanwhile, Prince Darien left for Earth as he leaves with the other Planets’ protectors, Queen Beryl
and the Negaverse attacks the Moon Kingdom.
Queen Serenity watched her Kingdom being torned down.

While this was happening, Queen Serenity
was looking for her daughter but little that she know her daughter was already dead. Princess Serena was killed due to the
room collapsing on her. Queens
Serenity did not want her daughter and the future to end this way.
So with her last breathe standing near
her guardian cats, Luna and Artemis, she tells them about her plan in removing Queen Beryl and Negaverse and sending the future
of the Moon Kingdom to Earth by reincarnating them. As she finished talking, she takes out her Silver Imperial Crystal
and the Moon Rod. She places the crystal on the Moon Rod and cast the spell when she finishes the casting of the spell she
passed away. And as she dies she drops the Moon Rod and the Silver Imperial Crystal,
They vanished. After she casted the spell, Luna and Artemis was also sent to the future to watch over and take care of the
future princesses and to find the future Neo-Queen Serenity.
after the Moon Kingdom
was destroy, which brings us to the 20th century, this is where we find our new Sailor Scouts (other planets’ princesses)
and our guardian cats. And there job is to find the Princess. ^_^
